Sunday, August 11, 2013

Happy Hearts Sewing

My Mom started Happy Hearts Sewing at the First United Methodist Church in Cleburne, Texas. They sew pillowcases for Cook's Children's Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas.  They meet in a small room at the church and have their sewing machines and sergers all set up in this room.

They are almost to 10,000 pillowcases!  If you were to fold up all of these pillowcases and stack them up they would be higher than a 10 story building.

What's interesting is that they have done all of this without any money really.  They have a small fund that the church gives them, but they scour garage sales and flea markets for fabric.

My Mom is in charge of the supply chain. I will call my parents up and my Dad will say that my Mom is out working a supply chain problem.

My Aunt Betty is also a member. She is in one of the pictures below. She is a wonderful quilter and has quilted several of my quilts.

If love is expressed in the output of a sewing machine then this is a lot of love.

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